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Thresholds Guidance

The Right Help, Right Time Levels of Need framework has been developed by the HSCP to support practitioners at all levels working in statutory, public, voluntary and independent sectors in Herefordshire.

The document is intended to enable practitioners:

  • to make decisions about how best to respond to the needs of children and young people
    and families;
  • to give families access to the right help at the right time;
  • to provide children and families with access to the most appropriate services for their needs
Right Help Right Time Levels of Need


Putting the views, wishes and experiences of families at the heart of everything we do in Herefordshire…

Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (HSCP) is undertaking a consultation with parents and carers to find their views on levels of need thresholds Right Help Right Time.  This is part of HSCP work to implement Working Together 2023.

Parents and Carers can book and find out more information below: