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Herefordshire Safeguarding Boards and Partnerships

Herefordshire Youth Hub home pageTrigger Warning: Some of the content on these pages may be triggering. Remember, you can use the ‘Leave this page’ function to the right at any time.

Exploitation and Crime title image

Exploitation and Crime

Exploitation is when someone is taken advantage of by other people for their own gains. It can put the person or people close to them at risk of harm. Often, a person might be threatened if they try to leave the situation. When someone under the age of 18 is being exploited, it does not matter if they appear to be going along with it or not – children cannot consent to their own exploitation.

The exploitation can be related to drugs or sex or crime, but it can also involve other things like working in bad conditions. Some children can even be moved around the country to take part in crime. When someone is moved around to different places to exploit them, it is called trafficking.

If you, or someone you know, are involved, it can be incredibly scary and it might seem difficult to see a way out. There are agencies that can help you though and remember, it is always the fault of the people that have got you involved – you are a victim.

Look at the links below for more information and support.

Local support title box

If you think you are being exploited, contact the Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)

To speak to the team – (01432) 260800 (Open 9-5 Monday – Friday)

To email the team – 

If you are in immediate danger, always contact 999

The Branch project logo 

The Branch Project – WMRSASC

The Branch Project is a local support service for children and young people under 18 years, or under 24 years for those with additional needs, who are victims and/or at risk of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE).

West Mercia Rape and Sexual Advice Support Centre also offer advocacy services and counselling, for survivors of rape, sexual abuse, or sexual exploitation.

The Children's Society logo

Climb Project – Children’s Society

Climb is a local programme providing positive activities to young people aged 10-17 who may otherwise be drawn into criminal activity.

County Lines – The Children’s Society

Lots of information and links on County Lines (young people exploited to move drugs around the country) – what it is, how to spot the signs and how to get support.

West Mercia Youth Justice Service logo

West Mercia Youth Justice

If you have got into trouble with the police, this local site tells you step-by-step what will happen next and how you can access support.

Advice and resources title box

Fearless Logo part of crimestoppers

Fearless – Crimestoppers

Fearless is a safe place to report crime – 100% anonymously. There is also non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality.

CEOP logo

Think U Know – CEOP

A really helpful site from CEOP offering lots of information on keeping safe on-line.

Stop it Now logo UK and Ireland - Helping prevent child sexual abuse

Stop It Now

A site dedicated to supporting young people at risk of, or going through, child sexual abuse. Lots of helpful information but also a live chat and helpline number for instant help.

It's not OK logo

It’ Not Okay

Lots of really accessible support and advice on child sexual exploitation, including definitions, spotting the signs, real stories and videos.

The Children's Society logo

‘Matthew’s Story’ – The Children’s Society

‘Matthew’s Story’ is a true story about a young person who is exploited into getting involved with drugs and crime, and how he finds a route out.

YouTube Logo

My New Friend – Basis Training

My New Friend is a short video from Basis Training that explains the early signs of child exploitation.

Childline Logo online, on the phone, anytime

Gangs – Childline

Childline gives guidance on what gangs are, what to do if you’ve joined one and where you can get support to find a way out.

HSCP logo Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership

Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership

The HSCP page on Child Exploitation gives useful definitions and outlines where further support is available in Herefordshire.

Need to talk to someone? Call Childline on 08001111

Click on the logo for more ways to contact them    Childline home page logo