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Herefordshire Safeguarding Boards and Partnerships

Herefordshire Youth Hub home pageTrigger Warning: Some of the content in these pages may be triggering. Remember, you can use the ‘Leave this page’ function to the right at any time.

Care experienced young people title

Care Experienced Young People

When you are young and living in care, or if you are older and living independently, or planning to soon, there is a lot to get your head around.

There are excellent local and national services though that can support and help.

Look at the links below to find out more.

Local support title box

Herefordshire Council Logo

Support for care leavers: Local Offer

Lots of support for care experienced young people on work, housing, health and well-being.

Support from the 16+ team

Local support for those aged 16+ who are in care or leaving care. The page tells you what you should expect from the service and how to get in touch.

Hear Me

Hear Me is a local service that can provide advocacy to young people if they have a specific issue with the local authority that they need representation for, or support to be heard. It is available to children who are in care, leaving care, or who are part of a Child Protection Conference.

Herefordshire Virtual School

Herefordshire Virtual School exists to help child who are in care do as well as they possibly can in their education. This site outlines how they work to make sure you get all of the support you have a right to have.

Talk Community Logo

Support for children living in care – Talk Community Directory

Local information from the Talk Community Directory for young people living in care, including where to get support if you need it.

The Living Room Logo

The Living Room Hereford

The Living Room is a Café, Community Larder and a safe Community Space in the centre of Hereford. They offer workshops and groups for peer support and to reduce isolation and loneliness, as well as support and signposting for a range of issues from housing advice, money matters, and wellbeing.

Advice and resources title boxChildline logo online, on the phone, anytime



Living in care – Childline

A site explaining key terms to do with living in care, but also the feelings involved and how to cope with some of the changes that may occur.

Become Logo - The charity for children in care and young care leavers


Become is a charity for children in care and young care leavers. It provides an advice line service but also the opportunity to talk to other care-experienced young people

Coram Voice Logo Getting young voices heard

Coram Voice

Coram Voice helps young people in care, or leaving care, to have their voices heard and get support. Check out the excellent videos on this page too!

Children's Commissioner logo

Help at Hand

This page from the Children’s Commissioner for England offers help, guidance and support (including help-lines) to young people in care, leaving care or living away from home.


IMO is the Children’s Commissioner for England’s voice for teenagers in care and for care leavers. Care experienced young people share stories, life hacks, get and give advice. There’s even a podcast and opportunities to get involved.

NYAS National Youth Advocacy Service logo

NYAS (National Youth Advocacy Service)

The National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS) is a children’s charity that supports and empowers care-experienced children, young people and adults in vulnerable situations when important decisions are being made about them.

Need to talk to someone? Call Childline on 08001111

Click on the logo for more ways to contact them    Childline home page