It’s never right for someone to treat you badly or make you feel uncomfortable whether at school, in the community or at home (see the section on ‘Abuse and Neglect’ for more on this one).
We all have a right to feel safe and where there is bullying or Hate Crimes committed against us or others, it’s important that we get help and support.
Look at the links below to find out more.
You & Co is Victim Support’s youth programme that helps young people cope with the impact and effects of crime. You don’t have to report the crime to the police to get support from them. To get to the local support number, search for West Mercia in the ‘Find Help Near You’ drop-down.
Key information on bullying and links to local and national services that can help.
Herefordshire council’s page on Hate Crime, with useful definitions and links to a really helpful leaflet, plus information on how to report prejudice of any kind.
This local site gives you the chance to anonymously report any areas you go to that make you feel unsafe.
Papyrus is dedicated to preventing young suicide. There are instant help numbers on the site, but also follow the ‘Find help and advice’ link for apps, guides and information that can support you.
Children and Young People aged 5-19 and their families can get advice from the school nursing service on topics like relationships, maintaining a healthy weight, sexual health, emotional and mental health, smoking, alcohol and substance use, and keeping safe.
Main Office Tel: 01432 363 940
Single Point of Access (Advice Line) – Tel: 07813 451 034 (Tel/Text/WhatsApp), Mon-Fri 9.00 – 4.30.
For more information – see the school nursing webpage here
Fearless – Crimestoppers
Fearless is a safe place to report crime – 100% anonymously. There is also non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality.
Lifebabble – CBBC
Lots of engaging advice, videos and true stories to help you tackle bullying.
Advice on different types of bullying and top tips that can help.
Bullying – Childline
Lots of information from Childline about different types of bullying and support that can be given.
Teenage abusive relationships – Children’s Society
Information and advice on abusive teenage relationships (peer-on-peer abuse, or ‘mate crime’).