Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Publish CSPR Peer on Peer Abuse
On Monday 21 February 2022, Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership published a Child Safeguarding Practice Review into an individual case where there were allegations of peer-on-peer abuse.
The review was commissioned by the three statutory Safeguarding Children Partners of Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership, to identify improvements to practice. The three Safeguarding Children Partners are Herefordshire Council, West Mercia Police and NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Clinical Commissioning Group.
Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership accepts the findings and recommendations of the Child Safeguarding Practice Review – Learning following allegations of peer-on-peer abuse, which was completed in March 2021.
The review made recommendations for areas of work to focus on which, along with other learning, have formed part of the Safeguarding Children Partnership plans for the coming years. In addition, as a response to the review findings, a multi-agency action plan has been drafted which includes recommendations for improved inter-agency working and measures being taken to address the issues raised. Once agreed, this action plan is monitored through the Joint Case Review Group which consists of senior representatives from statutory and other agencies from across Herefordshire. Single agency recommendations and the measures taken to address the issues raised will also be monitored through the Joint Case Review Group.
Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership said:
“There is growing awareness nationally of the prevalence and impact of peer-on-peer abuse. The statutory Safeguarding Children Partners commissioned this review to understand and learn from the response regarding an individual case. This is to ensure that services in Herefordshire are providing the right support and information for young people, and their families in respect of peer-on-peer abuse.
“The partnership is fully committed to keeping children and young people safe and improvements are already underway in our children’s services in line with the recommendations of the review.
“The statutory partners will ensure that learning identified by this review are addressed both as multi-agency responses and within individual organisations. These assurances will include the views and experience of young people involved in peer-on-peer abuse and their parents/carers to inform practice improvements.”
CSPR Peer on Peer Abuse
This statement was amended on 22nd February 2022 to include the link to the Peer on Peer multi-agency guidance. You can access the Peer on Peer Abuse guidance on the West Midlands Child Protection Procedures page here: Sexually harmful behaviour tools and pathways (
This statement was amended on 01 August 2022 to remove the reference to a family mediation service.
Once a review has been conducted and findings established leading to learning outcomes, Herefordshire’s Safeguarding Partnership Team coordinates the responsibility to publish the review and findings.
At the request of the Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership all media enquiries regarding this Child Safeguarding Practice Review will be co-ordinated by Herefordshire Council and should be emailed to
Herefordshire Council Children’s Services Improvement Plan
A Children and Families Strategic Improvement Plan has been created to transform Herefordshire’s Children’s Social Care services over the next four years.
Further information can be found at: The Children Improvement Board, which has oversight of the Improvement Plan, is Independently Chaired and has senior representatives from the Police and CCG.